Thursday, January 15, 2009


Have you ever felt this way?

Sometimes you just feel like an "aaahhh..." in your spirit...

Sometimes you do all you can do just to keep it together and JUST when you think you're going to see the light of day here comes another storm to make you feel like "aaahhh...",

Why keep trying?

Why keep extending MY olive branch?

Why am I always the one to make the first kind gesture?

Why am I always the one extending, no...OVER extending myself to be a blessing to someone else and no one does it for me?

Why? Why? Why?


Will I ever be understood?

So many questions and so little time to obtain answers...

I understand the race is NOT given to the swift nor the battle unto the strong BUT to the one who endures...and God NEVER specified how much I had to endure to win the race...

But it doesn't appear as if I'm am I NOT enduring?


These are a FEW of the multiple questions that run through my mind during the course of a day ...

But regardless of what betides, I and others alike can not become JADED by our situations and/or circumstances!

This too shall pass...

Sorrow looks BACK, Worry looks AROUND, but FAITH looks up!


Tru Sinceer

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